Page 185 - chs-1990
P. 185

                                                          IN LOVING MEMORY Ot=
                                                JOHN ARTHUR CCJAY.                       NDERSON "U.

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                                                CHS wrestling team had theor  grappling mat resurfaced with the $2, 100 fine received from  Jean
                                               Burrell, the person convicted of the hot and run fatality of John  'Jay" Arthur Anderson II on January 26,
                                                Jay was the captain of the 87  ·88 wrestling team. He was also an excellent student with a 3.8 grade
                                               point average and was fourth  on  his class. His death was very tragic, but the students and faculty's
                                               memories of Jay  are  of a winner and  a  champion.

      player on  the  team.
                                               K.T. shows  his  great  strength  and  speed. These  fast  moves  show his  ability to  pin  his  opponent.
                                  Chris  shows  his  strength  as  he  works  to  get  a  half.  Chris  was  one  of  the  four
                                  wrestlers selected  as  captain  of  the  team.

                                                                                          CHS  12  Wolfson  65
                                                                                         CHS  66  Englewood  16

                                                                                         CHS  72  Jackson  12

                                                                                         CHS  60  Ed White  24

                                                                                         CHS  42  Fletcher  30
                                                                                         CHS  39  Eastside  38

                                                                                         CHS  45  Sandalwood  33

                                                                                         CHS  62  Paxon  18

                                                                                         CHS  18  Live Oak  59
                                                                                         CHS  35  Eastside  41

                                                                                          CHS  32  Baker  30
      to achieve his first  pin.
                                                                                          CHS  47  Forrest  28

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