Page 239 - chs-1990
P. 239
Lynn B. Counts, OCT
Dawn 0 . Cox, Mathematics
Anne C. Dekle, English
Elaine Denmark, Computer Aide
June Dickson, Social Studies
Michael Diener, Exceptional
Wayne Duke, Vocational
John Evans, Social Studies
Gene W. Fairchild, J.R.O.T.C.
Martha Falzone, Guidance
Wendell Feagle, Driver's Ed.
Joe B. Fields, Social Studies
Barbara Foreman, Director of
Secondary Education
Willie Foreman, Dean
Dr. Wanda Gause, English
Jane Gay, Teacher's Aide
S. Pace Getzen, Marine Mechanics
Nancy Gill, Clerk-Typist, Guidance
Judy Griffin, Librarian
Roger Hadley, Mathematics
Willard Hartley, Security
William Hale, Science
Peggie Hamilton, Attendance
Andrew Hennessey, Mathematics
What Makes A Teacher ?
Staff And Students Search For The Answer
What makes a teacher ? Is it A person that really cares and Creativity, enthusiasim,
the person who knows their loves other people, and wants concern for each individual
subjects backwards and to contribute part of their lives student, and leadership ability
forwards? Is it the person who to the improvement of others. makes a good teacher.
can control the students? Is it Mr. Herring, Principal Lakoal Mizelle, Student
the person who has spent the
Goals set , working with young
most time at college or has The most imortant thing is to be
men and women and helping
the most degrees? Is it the able to let your students grow
them achieve their goals and
person who shows up to as adults and treat them with
achieve the highest level of
chaperone the dances and respect.
education they can reach.
the floats, or is it something Deric Newton, Student
Mr. Foreman, Dean
else ... Teachers and Students Caring about students, true
at CHS have differing ideas on Dedication, perseverance, interest in what they teach,
just what it takes to make a and a strong ability to be knowledge in the subject they
teacher. flexible to changes. teach.
Coach Diener, Teacher Amy Taylor, Student