Page 234 - chs-1990
P. 234
Grave robbers and stories of devil worship flashed across the local
newspaper. A chill of fear mixed with revulsion opened locals' eyes to
this horrible crime. Two bodies were removed from their graves an,i a
third was disturbed. Police have continued their investigation and a
large reward is offered.
The shooting of 7th grader, Simon Kendrick, stirred feelings of anger m Lake City.
State's Attorney, Jerry Blair, received criticism for the manslaughter charge against the
alleged gunman.
What IS this wh1te stuff falling from the sky? This was one of many questions asked
during our perfect " White Christmas". In addition to setting a nice stage for Santa Claus,
Not only cars but also this "happy camper" , sliding on a cardboard
the snow and freeze also created quite a few problems. Many were without water and
box, discovered the slippery streets. Attempts of building snowmen
electnc1ty for days and car accidents flourished as inexperienced Floridians skidded
and starting snowball fights were also observed during our two days
around on the icy roads. Brandy Johnson records the historic date in the snow accumulat-