Page 244 - chs-1990
P. 244


                                   PIZZA, VITA PUP,  AND FRENCH  FRIES

                  Although  they  receive  the
                  typical  lunchroom  criticism ,
                  they  manage  to  cook  the
                  best  pizza  this  side  of  the
                  Mississippi.     The  lines  are
                  always long  once the  aroma
                  of hot  cooked  food  reaches
                  the  Commons.          They  are
                  pictured  here: (back  row  left
                  to  right)  Libby  Simmons
                  (Manager),  Evelyn  Pugh,
                  Benita  Royals,  Dot  Henley,
                  Cindy Griff, Flossie McGuire,
                    Dot  Rossi,  and  Carolyn  Ellis,
                  (seated  left  to  right)  Sandra
                  Anderson,  Toni  Chandler,
                  Josephine  Brewin,  and  Eva

                                JANITORS OF COLUMBIA HIGH SCHOOL

                                    THEY KEEP SMILING THROUGH THE  RAIN.

                   The   janitors  of  Columbia  High
                   School  manage  to  keep  a  sm1le
                   even through the  rain  and buckets.
                   They  keep the school  clean and in
                   top  shape.  Here  they  ore  pictured
                   from  left  to right:  Howard  Spradley
                   (Head  of  Maintenance).  Clarence
                   Green.  Johnny  Fulger.  Richard
                   Bryant. and Hattie Williams

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