Page 170 - chs-1991
P. 170
Baseball strikes again at Columbia High select few are chosen. On the basis of skill,
School with the superb coaching tactics of speed, and experience, these young men are
new varsity coach, Charles Mobley taking picked by the coaches. They have a lot of
the controls. Returning again from their talent and responsibility when taken on by
1989-1990 seasons are seniors ..----------. the Columbia High Tigers.
Chip Pieker, Anthony Norris, . Hopefully, they will achieve
and Tommy Hornsby. The "We are lookmg forward their goal of a winning season
seniors show the rest of their tohavingagoodseason, for CHS. The Varsity team
fellow teammates how to be whether we will or not is ended the season with a 12-12-1
leaders in baseball. The coach- a different story. We record. The playoffs were dis-
ing assistant, Robert Wright, have alot of young people appointing for the Tigers. They
helps Coach Mobley lead the at key positions." lost the first game of the Dis-
boys to victory. The J.V. Tigers -Coach Mobley trict Tournament. It was a sin-
are composed of the ninth and gle elimination event. The
tenth graders. This is the first highlights of the season were
year tnat the ninth grade is being included in the victories over Englewood and Fletcher.
J .V. Tigers. This team has an immeasurable This year's team consisted of five Seniors,
amount of talent and hopes to do well in the ten Juniors and three Sophomores. The Ti-
1990-1991 season. They will surely succeed gers are looking forward to next year. They
under the wing of Coach Mike McCrae. will have 11 lettermen returning.
Though it is an honor to be a Tiger, only a - Scott Hamilton
The varsity team stretches
Front row - Mike Stalvey, Tommy Houk, Kevin Swisher, Scott Hale, Eric Boone, Brian
Saunders, Chad Crews, and Anthony Norris.
Back row- Coach Mobley, Greg Mackey, Tommy Hornsby, David Wideman, Andy Owens,
Chip Peiker, David Delgado, Charlie Hollis, and Coach Wright.
Front row - Jason Lang, John Bailey, John Sherman, Kyle Keen, Billy Sanders, Darrel
Cribbs, and Ronnie Robinson.
Back row- Justin Collins, Jim Cannon, Eric Hamilton, Jonathon Howard, James Mansuk-
hani, Adam Bedenbaugh, Jason Nave, Doug Angstat, Matt Green, and Coach Mike McCrae.
Chip Pieker hurls a fast ball during
tice. Purple Power!
166 Baseball