Page 260 - chs-1991
P. 260
Mrs. Wright, our fearless leader dedi-
cates numerous hours, choreographing,
and teaching us dances. Not to mention
the time spent ordering costumes, back-
drops, and arranging practice for the re-
cital. In her spare time Mrs. Wright is
the T.V. 12 weather person for Lake City.
At the beginning of the year the TV 12
News Team came and filmed our 6th
period class and the clip was aired later
that night.
In September the Dance Club hosted a
luncheon for the Tennessee Dance The-
ater, and afterward they gave us a free
clinic on modern dance, it was a learning
experience for us all.
This year Mrs. Wright's dance classes
did a Christmas Recital in addition to the
annual recital in the Spring.
On December 14-15 we did 3 perfor-
mances of "The Christmas Miracle". We
did 2 performances for grammar school
children and one for the general audi-
We began preparing for the Christmas
Recital as soon as school started, first we stretched and strengthened our legs, then
Mrs. Wright began teaching and choreographing the dances. And after The Christ-
mas Miracle went off without a hitch, we directly began preparing for the end of the
year recital, by getting in groups and picking out costumes.
Mrs. Wrights dance class has been a learning experience for all who have taken her
course. To those who believe Mrs. Wright's class is just an easy "A", it's much more
than an easy "A". It takes long and hard dedication and work to get that "A". The
skills to be acquired in her class will carry us into the future. The Arabian Dancers take a break to get their pictures taken.
The Tennessee dancers pause a moment to catch their breath. The toy soldiers guard the set of the "Christmas Miracle".
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