Page 177 - chs-1992
P. 177
The motley crew, otherwise known as the
Columbia High academic team, has taken no
prisoners. Hours of practice have finally paid
off. The varsity team is number one in the
district and the junior varsity team took sec-
ond place. The team has also attended several
tournaments including the North Florida Aca-
demic Tourney and the Florida High School
Academic Tournament.
The CHS chapter of Beta club participated
in the annual HRS Christmas party again this
year. Club members are pleased to be able to
sponsor a few more children each year. The
club also sponsored the Miss CHS pageant in
Honor Society held its first annual Christ-
mas arty at the Veterans' Home of Florida this
year. Members sang carols for- and with-
the residents of the home.
Christine Dinges, Amy Byrum, and Amy E. Taylor went to the eterans Home of Florida for
the Honor Society Christmas party.
Tara Crews, Teri Parker, Tammy Hirko, Paige Williams, Shannon Pittman,
jeremiah Slaymaker, and Kris Sedmera patiently await the beginning of a
Academic Team Honor Society/ Beta Club 173
Beta club meeting.