Page 200 - chs-1992
P. 200

Glenn  Ad1ms. Work  Experience
               Junette Almeida, Tucher Aide
               jud1th  Ayers, Home  Economics
              Thomas Bankston. Social Studaes
                 Jacqueline  Barnes,  LS.S.P
                  Mo  Bocnel, Mathematacs
              Cheryl  Bender,  Home  Economics
          Joseph Bever~n';t~r~is~rMa~h~::!~~
                  Cynthia Blaar, Secretary
                      Roban  Bonds.
             LC  Bradley  Assastant  Principal
             Mona  Br1nnon. Attendance  A1de
               Landa  Brooks. Teacher  Aide
                John  Brown, Agribusiness
                 louise  Burnette. English
                   Robert  Bush, Science
              William Calsam, Social  Studies
             Kenneth  Campbell. Mathematics
            OionsB.Jc:~~~eJ&;;~~~~ ~f~afde
                 Colvin Carter. Journ11ism
                    Lynn Counts. 0  CT
                  D1wn Cox. Mathemahcs
               Lori  Crevuse,  Exception~l Ed.
         Donna Cunningham. Mathematics/ Drama
               Elaine  Denmark, Clerk-Typast
                  Victoria  Ellis. Counselor
                John  Evans, Social Studaes
                Gene  Faarchild,  Electronics
                Marth1  Falzone, Guidance
               Wendell  Feagle,  Drivers  Ed
              Joe  Fields, Social Studies  P E.
              Janet  Flint, Home  Economics
                    B.Jrbar•  Foreman,
                  Wanda Gause,  English
                 Jane Gay, Teacher Aide
              Maurice Geiger,  Mathematics
                  ancy Gill.  Clerk-TypaSI
             Melvin   ins, Pr1ct  Ind.  Arts
                  Judy Griffin. Libraraan
                      Larry Hall,  Band
             Donald  Harrison, Physical  Fitness
               Keath  Hatcher. World  Hastory
                  Faculty Focuses  On
                                Ms .  Lane  has
                              been  teaching  for
                              33  years.  She  feels
                              that it is  a reward-
                              ing  job  because  it
                              enables her to react
                              with  young  peo-
                              ple.  In  her  words,
                              "Hopefully getting
                              them  to  want  to
                              find answers."  Af-
          ter  school  she enjoys  many activities  such
          as: playing the piano for her church, watch-
          ing  "soaps",  reading,  writing,  and  doing
          things with her family which includes three
                                                Mr.  Rutledge asks Jason Shaw for  his  pass.   Coach  Harrison  is  Tiger  Pride  personified.
          children,  four  grandchildren,  her  two
          brothers,  and  her  mother  and  father  who
          have  been  married for  fifty-six  years.

                                               Parents,  teachers,  and  students  mingle  at open  house.

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