Page 202 - chs-1992
P. 202
What They Say Faculty Focuses On
"1 ust for funsies"
- Mr. Mont. Mr. Jennifer
Bradley, as- Martin is Co-
"Cut the chatter." lumbia High's
- Mr. Campbell sistant prin-
cipal of Co- new Sp an ish
"Bless you child." lumbia High teache r. She
- Ms. Lane School, ha s says that the
been em - most rewarding
"I thy teacher am a jeal- th ing abou t
ous teacher, thou shalt ployed by the
have no other teachers Columbia working here is
before me." County a good family-
- Mr. Choice school sys- oriented group
tem for six- of kid s. He r
teen years. In goal as a teach-
his spare er is to get at
Mr. L.C. Bradley time he en- Miss Jennifer Martin least the major-
joys working ity of the class
in his church, sports, and hunting and to understand each day's lesson. As a foreign
fishing. When asked about his family Mr. language teacher, she realizes that she can't
Bradley replied, "My family is my back- expect perfection, but expects out of her stu-
bone. I strive to excel in my endeavors to dents a willingness to try. Outside of school
make them proud of me and my accom- she enjoys traveling and her family. She de-
plishments." He enjoys the student contact scribes her parents as wonderful people with
and being an instrument in the success of thirty-two years of marriage behind them.
kids that comes from working at school. She says her family is basically average. Ms.
He feels that the worst thing about the Martin feels that the worst thing about work-
system is not having enough funds to meet ing in the school system is the red tape, but
students' needs. she doesn't let it bother her that much. Ms.
Martin would like to tell the senior class to go
to college (preferably to FSU) and make the
best of it!
Genldine Robtnson, Personal fitness
s .. b ... ~f:iR~.ti~~;·6Y.fct
Mary Lou Sch .. f•r. PMH
J<.thy Smith, Tuchor Aid•
~a~:~; ~:·i\t·y:t~~\~~
O.borah Sponsor. Busin•ss
Ken Stuk. Science
Midge Starlintn~:~~~~~~~t tu~~~~~:nt
Kim Sweat, Mathematics
John Taylor. ).ROTC.
Lynda Taylor, Tuch•r Aad•
Barbara Thornton, Tuchor Aid•
Nancy V•nz, TPP
Wallaco Thomas, Stud•nt Caro Att•ndant
Bonita Wh .. lor. TMH Aid•
Eul•n• Wh••l•r. English
Frank Wick•s. I.S.S P., P E
Ad•l•n• Williams, Lif• Manag•m•nt Skills
Maur••n Williamson, English
James Wilson Mathtml.tics/ Dnma
V•rl•no Wilson, English
Carol WisoP!t~;·~~~r~~~~:
Debn Wright, Science/ Dance
Marion Wright. Wid Hast Ruding
Bossa• Whitfa•ld. Socaal Studa•s
johnnie Merrick. Occup•tion1l Specialist
The mad scientist himself, Mr. Morper grimaces
through another day of mayhem and mishap in the
chemistry lab.
198 Faculty