Page 201 - chs-1992
P. 201

f::N'Ii~~r;'~lob,  English
                                                                                                jan•  Holliday, Hulth Service
                                                                                                Jill  Huesman,  Hort./ A  .rAture
                                                                                                ~r~~Z ~a~k:~.~~'Hmatics
                                                                                                Brian Jetter,  Principal
                                                                                                Harry Joonor, English
                                                                                                Morvin  jonos, Bond
                                                                                                 Betty Kolly, Librarian
                                                                                                 Jun  Kinard, PMH Aido
                                                                                                 Sharon  Kirby. D.CT
                                                                                                 Barbaro  uko, Mathomotics
                                                                                                 Jayno u nd, ESE
                                                                                                 t~:r.· ~~t.~~~~i:~d.
                                                                                                 Sharon  LH, World  Hostory
                                                                                                 Roger  Lizotte, Crimin11J Justice
                                                                                               f;::~ t~·~.~~~ity
                                                                                               Gussie  MacLuen.  Nurse
                                                                                                Roscoe  Mansfiold. j ROTC
                                                                                               Glonda  Markham, Substituto
                                                                                               t':i~~~lt't{~t.n u nguago
                                                                                               Krishno  McCormock. Clork-Typist
                                                                                               Gloria  Mcintosh, Scionco
                                                                                               Kathy Mclntyro. Homo Economics/Dean
                                                                                                 Elaino Merricks, English
                                                                                                 Anita  Milton. Clork-Typist
                                                                                                 Mary  Moxon, Guodanco  Aido
                                                                                                Charlos  Mobley, Mathomatics
                                                                                                }amos  Montgomory, Social  Stud;os
                                                                                                Linda  Moses, Business
                                                                                                Christa  Myor, TMH
                                                                                                 Deanna  Nelson, Science
                                                                                                Pat  Nolson. Nurse
                                                                                                Merrill  Parnell, Assistant  Principal
                                                                                               john Phillips, Social Studios
                                                                                               ~l~nP;:~~fei. ~~~~~.Ed
                                                                                               Myrtle  Prindpato, Student Cart Attendant
                                                                                               Betty Provuux, Library Aido
                                                                                               Douglas  Rogistor, Agriculturo
                                                                                               Mary  Rino,  Lifo  Managomont/Paront Skills
                                                                                               Nancy  Ring, English
                                                                                               Claro  Roberts. English
                                                                                               Shirloy Roberson. Tuchor Aido
                                                                       Faculty Focuses  On
                                                                         Ms. Barnes has been with the school system for five
                                                                       years. She works at the CHS north campus. She enjoys
                                                                       reading, movies, her pets, working in her garden, and
                                                                       spending  time  with  her  two  daughters.  The  oldest
                                                                       attends  LCCC  and  the  younger  attends  CHS  south
                                                                       campus  and  will  graduate  in June,  1992.  Ms. Barnes
                                                                       feels  that  it  is  rewarding  to  be  able  to  help  a  few
                                                                       students realize  that ninth grade is only the first step
                                                                       toward graduation. Last year at graduation she recog-
                                                                       nized  many  former  I.S.S.P.  students  as  they  walked
                                                                       down the aisle to receive their diplomas. She points out
                                                                       that  the  worst  problem  in  education  is  the  lack  of
                                                   parental  involvement. She  says  that with  more encouragement, support, and
                                                   discipline, many students could  be  more  successful.

     Mr.  Spradley has decided  to  take  the CHS  roof into his  own

                                                         Mr.  Larry joye, in  his  Don  johnson outfit, can  be  sure  of  his  genetic  formulas.
                                                                                                             Faculty 197
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