Page 241 - chs-1992
P. 241
Press Time
"The last two years in
journalism has been a
great experience for me.
I've learned more than
journalism ... I've learned
about life."
-Kumari Anderson, co-editor
Mrs. Carter takes a moment to bless the of "The Tiger Talc"
room wtth her smile. "Go play in the traf-
Elizabeth VanArsdall: Newspaper editor-in-chief, Amanda Wil-
cox: co-edttor; Kumari Anderson: Co-editor.
Crrahvr Writing. front: Ju•n Sierra. Uurrl Ring, Kristy Ramsey. Ry1n Heckathornr, Wendy Rrtros~ . Amy St•fford. Lis•
Bradtmulltr, S.ra Whitehe•d Row 2' Chuck Hollis, Loroll K.l~y. J•«>n Ash, juston Mo~s. Shelly McDuffie, Bl•m• Hudson,
Angela Walker sorts pictures for the yearbook. C•therine Reynolds. Mandy Tillotson Row 3 Byron Powell. M1ch .. l Linmger, Mork V•nunt. D•rrel Harps, )enmfer Smith,
Thereso Foss. Denise Outl•w. Mystery F•ith. Suson Kite, RuS<ell Poole, Brett Pettyjohn
Stephen Carnley, Sybil Sheppard, Chuck Hollis research an assign-
Creative Writing: Front: Jennifer Aymond, Wallece Jones, Benjamin Lovingood, Rebecca Carter,
Jennifer Douglas, Sara Kuitert. Row 2: Lee Kennedy, Bryan Solomon, Shelly Brown, Carie Sollen-
berger, Wade Willis, Marianne Kirby, Robin Janson, Keri Pappas. Row 3: Jamie Desrosiers, Sybil Journalism 237
Sheppard, Matt Hollingsworth, Baysha Perkins, Stephen Carnley, Jason La Puma, Will Moseley.