Page 243 - chs-1992
P. 243
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f}v[S. 9vf2LCU:I(f£f£r;{ WILLI.9l!MS09{
M.s. Maureen 'Wi[[iamson a gratfuate of J'{oritfa Jll&M flJniversity lias 6een teacfiing for
34 years and lias no regrets. 9vls 'J1/i{[iamson is invo{ved in '}PPE:JL CTJL J'AAfflJ a{umni, and
is tfie pastor of flJnion and Mt. Sinai Jll.M.'E. Cfiurcfi. Jfer favorite parts of tfie year are tfie
6eginning and tfie end. rrFie 6eginning 6ecause sfie 's going to teacfi, tfie ending 6ecause sfie
enjoys watcliing fier students graduate and face a new f:jnd fife.
Tea her Of The Year 239