Page 423 - chs-1992
P. 423

To our first 6eautifu£ tfaugliur, ~fo~ta. My, my
                                                           fww time ioes fly.  We can't 6efUve tliat seventeen
                                                           years fiave gone 6y aruf tWUJ you are a gratfuatino
                                                         seniors.  'I1it fovdy metTWT"Us of yesur years sti[[ finoer
                                                         on our mindS.  My fww you've 6rouglit fiappiness aruf
                                                          joy to our liearts.  ?'ou are a younn Cat£y tWUJ gettino
                                                         ruufy to spread your winos.  Jil{ways remember you can
                                                           tfo a[[ tliinos tlirougli Clirist, wlio strenotliens you.
                                                         'We pray tfiat you fiave gooa Cud: ..  aruf mu&. suca.5s as
                                                          you start your new 6eginnino.  We fove you aruf we're
                                                                         proua of you II
                                                              Ma, 1Jaaay, C{ayrinsfj, Sequeta, Miradt, aruf

                                             Congratu{ations to

                                                  a wondeifuC

                                            granddaughter.  We

                                                     Cove you.

                                                Mama &  :J{arry

                                                       Sr. 92

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