Page 425 - chs-1992
P. 425

rro ?{.atafie,
                                               'J{ow gatfier a{{ arouni you
                                               rrfie memories you fwU clear;
                                            ~or never again wi[[ tfiings 6e tfie
                                                .9ls tfiis · your Senior year.
                                            'But as tfiis stape of fife is eniing,
                                                 J'l.notfier lS soon to start.
                                             I k_now tfiat you wi[[ face it witfi
                                                 :Your strong spin.t, your
                                                  unconqueralJ{e fieart,
                                              .9ls ypu fiave  a{{ tfie quafities
                                              :You {{ neei to see you tfirougfi,
                                             (jo forwari to success ani k_now
                                                %at I fiave faitfi in you.

            S~92                                                                        S~92

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