Page 428 - chs-1992
P. 428

                                                                 S9fJl!J(L.9L 9vfl Of'EL'E 1(0y'E1<.$

                                                                          'Our Littfe ![Cower'

                                                        9"ou fiave 6een aspecUJlj!'!j to
                                                        us rig fit {rom tfie start. 7"ou 've
                                                         6roUiJfit a gfow of sunsfiine
                                                          anagUufness to our fiearts.
                                                        !for years y_ou Jiff!-a our fr;aypy
                                                         fiome witn lii.U£I.fiter ana Jun,
                                                        ana even tfiougfi JJO.U: ~regrown
                                                        now ana tfiose cfiiM/iooa aays
                                                          are acne, tfiose very special
                                                          memorks ana tfiougfits of
                                                           tfiings we 'a ao are sti[[ so
                                                          waiin£y treasurea 6ecause
                                                           tfiey're tfiougfits of you.

             We're so proutl of you.  Love Mom &  'Dad

                 yt wonaeifu[ aaugfiter
                 fife!. you couU on[y fiave                                                 You wif{ always 6e
                  6een a gift from (jot. ..                                                tJJacfdy 's Littfe (jir[/ I

                                                       ?'ou are a great sister!!
                                                           (jooa LucK! 1
                                                       ~rom ·rnu One &  Onfy •
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