Page 450 - chs-1992
P. 450

Caught  In  The Act

            Teacher  workroom?  Teacher  lounge!  Ms. Taylor and  Ms. Lane  share  a laugh.

       Proof that seniors and underclassmen can be friends, senior Mykell Garrison and sophomore
       Ray  Kirkland  know  that Tigers  are Tigers -  regardless of class.

            The time has finally arrived for us to say goodbye. Good-
          bye to our carefree high school days, goodbye to the teach-
          ers who have  been  our guides, goodbye  to  our childhood
          friends,  and goodbye  to  the  excitement and joy shared at
          pep  rallies,  sporting events, and  other high school activi-
            As your senior class president, I wish for you the success
          and happiness you deserve. Let us cherish our memories as
          we  may  not  meet  again  as  a  group  until  our  first  class
          reunion. Until then, may your lives be full of joy and may
          your God go  with you.

                                 -Amy Dekle
                                    Senior  Class  President
                                    Class of 1992

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