Page 67 - chs-1992
P. 67

J2Lrt and Poetry

                                              Sme{{s {i((g_ an impenaing fire

      Jl L()'l)£ P.J{?/I IS :fO'l{_'Eo/£1(    rrastes  {i((g_ iisso{ving  aspirin
                  Losrr                     :Jeers {if;g. a aistant sliip 's fogliorn
     ~ou were my :foUnt£ wlien we first        Look1 {i((g_  a yawning  cliasm
                  6egan,                                    · · · Pliifip :Jowfer
       J2lru[ now tlie siglit of you I just
                can't staruf.
       I toU you tliat it wouU 6e tliis
              way in tlie{,                                                    Jl {igfit in a wintfow
       'But you insistea ani now your                                               sfuufows on tfie wa{{, you may not ever feni.                                              I saw myself wa{kjng
        'But my lieart was not wi[[ing                                              I feft a 6reeze run tlirougli.
             e.nougli to fet you.                                                   Staniing
        fJ.1ie reason I toU you was an                                              stif{, empty,
            incidtnt in tlie past,                                                  liaving no iirection
         .!ilntf now I can never liave                                              fookjng,
            anotlier fove to fast.                                                  fintling no support.
       I was liurt tfown to tfie core of                                            :Ja{fing aeeper,  ana ieeper
                  mysouf                                                            into fears
         .9lni tlie story I never toU.                                              gra66ing for a fast  liope
        So if tfiere 6e anyone efse tliat                                           it was empty too.
              wants tliis pain,                                                     9{p reason  to stay, onfy to  feave
         Come to tliis gir{ tliat lias no                                           6ut no courage  to io anytliing.
                  sliame.                                                           Lost in misery, pain was fdt
       :For I am tlie gir{ tliat lias fovea                                         a tear fefL
                  ani fost,                                                         COV1(Jl(j'E
         .9lna forever fonefiness is tfie                                           fJJie {iglit in tfie winiow
                                         6y  'Iotfti JJ.rnkrson
             never-entfing cost.                                                    fficf<!-rei out.
              · · -1(aslian Jlarris                                                         · · · 1{f.nee Jlic((g_y
                                                 Jl  cross infinity
                                                 'Jv{  y  liantfs reacli
                                                 rr 0  K._now liow
                                                Jl {{ tliis is going to eru£
                                                'Y e!Iowei face
                                                 Lies torn ani 6rof<!-n
                                                0 n tfie iust of

                                                1(emem6ering  me
                                                       .. .  Jlmy  rrayfor

                                      •d  By Amy  O.kl• And  Gorr•t  Hur•ll             Art  And  Poetry 63
   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72