Page 69 - chs-1992
P. 69

.52Lrt and Poetry

                   SUO'J{V  C~
                 I  fovea  you  once, I'm not
               sure wfiy or fiow,  ana I'm stif{
                       not sure now.
              You toU me you fove me ant£ tfiat
                we wouU aiways 6e togetfier,
               now you are te{{ing fier tfie same
                    tfiing a6out forever.
                 You say you want a secant£
              cfiance,  I want to 6e£ieve you, 6ut
              I tfon't !(now fiow.  I can't 6e sure
                tfiat it wif[ fiappen again, you
              {ietf to me once wfiat wi{{ stop you
               My fove for you stu{ runs tfeep,
               tfiere is just one tfiing stopping
              me, your fove  is just to painfu{ to
                     ---Lesfie ?(p6edein


                   Creatd 6y  '])avid 'Tannen6aum

               dtsigntd by Amy  Otklt and  Gorrtt  H•rr•ll
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