Page 10 - chs-1993
P. 10
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Grunge rock' Kurt obain of irvana and
Courtney Lo e of Hole nam d their fir t baby
Fran e Bean. • Fan of country mu ic line-
danced to Billy Ray yru ' "Ach Br aky
Heart." • The raving Briti h beat "te hno"
in aded .S . . hore · • The Toronto Blue Jay:
won the World rie . . • B ketball tar Larry
Bird and Magic John. n r tired. • Fo tball tar
J M ntana and B mer E ia on m deled
Han underwear. • The Dalla Cowboy ·
defeated the Buffalo Bill in the up r Bowl. •
M nica el , Micha l hang, teffi Graf,
Gabri lie abatini ranked among th highe t
earning t nni · tar . • H k ' Mario Lemieux
and ba eball' Barry Bond · igned 40-million-
plu multi-year contra t . • ew ja k culture hit
Holl w d via dir ctor like John ingleton and
Mario Van Pe bl . • Kid ' hit carto n "Th
R n & timpy how" cro . ed
hit. • Teen~· top mu~tc choices: gang tcr
rapp rs Icc T and Ice Cube, hip hoppers
Kriss Kross, the like. of LL Co l J, TLC.
Marky Mark and the Funk) Bunch. 1 ot to
be outdone by pop star ench hcrry.
rock rs Pearl Jam. R.E.M., The
Lcmonhcads, irvana. Morri. ·cy. Ministry.
hili Pepper ·. and 2. • Teen.
were chompin' p pcorn at hit mo ies Aladdin.
Home lone 2. A Few Good Men. and Tr£'.\f}{l\S.
• Donna Tartt. 28-) ear-old writer. stole the bo k
ne"' · headlines with a 450.0 0 advance on her
first book "The ecrct History." • Teens tuned
to TV for ind) rawford. d Lover. and
Pauly hore. • The younger generation ruled the
tub a media and merchandis rs panderl:d to
their new economic p mer"' ith te n-lifc shows
"Be\crly Hills 90210" with Luke Perry. and its
spin-oft's "The Heights" and "Melros Place"
ith ndrcw Shuc.
Rap and country \mmds jamml'd the airwa1·e.\ with
hit after hit. Garth Brook\ rode hi~;h in the \addle
a\ country's biggc\t \tar: Quun Latifah reigned
a\ the heart and wul of rap.