Page 5 - chs-1993
P. 5

Barcelona, Spain hw,ted the
                                                        \  th International
                                                      Summer Ol~mpic <;ame  .
                                                      The l  .S. men''-'  100 meter

                                                                                Hurri  ane  \ndren ripped throu~h Florida, lea' in~
                                                                                dollars of dama~e. and  drhin~ four  .I). in<,urance

                                                                                 'hit '~ar racked Yu~o.,la\ia but the countr)'
                                                                                continued to ignor  l  .  . re olutions callin~
                                                                                for a halt to ho<,tilitie'>.

                                                                     Campaign '92: Debate\, half-hour commercial.\, .\mmd-
                                                                     byte.\, mud  linging. GOP George Bmh and up\tart
                                                                     Independent II. Ro.\ ·Perot 1tepped a1id  a.\ Democrat
                                                                     Bill Clinton entered the  ~  hite Hou.1e.
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