Page 8 - chs-1993
P. 8
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It was a year f "altemati e-as-main tream" in
lifestyl s. • The biker/1 n r/ren gade I ok f
j ans and black leather wa erywhere. •
D sign r Ralph Lauren. known~ r using whit
prepp m deb in his ad rti. ing. witched t
m del f 1 r t refle t th di er it f th
m e f
w-fat dieting
rd number f
1 thing.
mt ·ndo and c.;a game
cartoon spin-o f . • Thou an mon.: dared t<
participate in bungce jumping. • mokcr
kickt.=d the habit u ing a ne\ nicotine kin patch.
• Hair trend am ng gu) : houldcr length and
wavy. Hair trend amono girls: long • nd traight.
• 1 he .. Po tma tcr distributed the Elvi
Pr lt.=) tamp. • nc\\ fonn of ocial drinking
an·i ed: mart bar. er d brain-nutri nt ·· mart
drinks." • ars that became collector cia ic :
1970 Dodgt.= hallenger R{f . 1973 Triumph
TR-6. 197 Pontiac Tran Am. I 72 h vrolet El
re urrected at a
future date for better al .
Teens ere addicted to the \\Ord "like." and
u d it e l:f)' h fl.: in om er at ion a a
pr~.;po iti< n .. uffi .. and inkn ifier: ·· he i.\.
like. \O immature.·· "lwa.\ like. 'You arc .w
1!,1'0.\,\. • '' "He's so pi~like. · .. our mother i .
like. oinl!, to kill you." nc you tart. lik .
u ing it. it's a hard habit to br ak.