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                                                                                CHS  has  some  very  talented
                                                                                students  that  exhibit  their  artistic
                                                                                expertise  in  Art Club.  Mr.  Danny
                                                                                Owens  and  Ms.  Candace  Hines
                                                                                spend  a  lot  of  time  helping  their
                                                                                students  create great works  of  art.
                                                                                Each  year,  Art  Club  travels  to  the
                                                                                State  Fair  in  Tampa  to  view  the
                                                                                works  of great artists  from  around
                                                                                the  state.  Alahambra  is  a  dinner
                                                                                theater that the entertains the great,
                                                                                talented  minds  of  CHS's  artists.
                                                                                Many  pictures  and  sculptures  are
                                                                                displayed  in  the  display  cases
                                                                                outside of the library.  Stop by and
                                                                                admire CHS's artists at work.

                                                                                First  Row:  Stephanie  Moseley,  Amber  Roovu,  Esther
                                                                                Leo, ~ndaco Hines, Sponoor. Second  Row: Steve Wall. Leigh Ann
                                                                                Tho~•. Dyan  Borgooon. Andrea  Crowa.  Third  Row:  Philip
                                                                                Fowler,  )udaon  Kerna,  MyatryFalth,  Jumlno  Patel.  Hope
                                                                                Kennedy,  Sarah  Both  Kight,  Amand•  Wllco•,  ~rrnon Bor,,
                                                                                Janelle  Puerner,  Pam  Boutwell.  Fourth  Row:  Danny  Owena,
                                                                                Sp<>nJOr.  )ayennl Patel,  Rlna  Pate~ Karen  Smith,  Kevin  Boyle,
                                                                                Tammy Sandera, Stacy Aduns, Brandee Blwl. Mandl Thompson.
                                                                                Ketna  Pate~ Nl~ Thakor.
                                                                                Bottom  Left:  Hope  Kennedy,  Chris Joyner,  and  Brandy
                                                                                Welch create another masterptece.

                    THE ART OF ARGUING

                                           Debate  Club  isone of the  newest  clubs  on  First Row:  Sheri  Pappas, Kim McKenney,
                                           campus.  This  is  only  its  second  year  in   Jennifer  Coonce,  Carol  Sanders,  John
                                           existence. Club members practice the fine  art  Ranken,  Brian  Mimbs,  Lorell  Kasey,  Amy
                                           of arguing to  prepare for competitions with   Stafford, Keri  Pappas, Carmen Borrero.
                                           area  schools.   Some  debate  topics  may   Second  Row:  Patricia  Jefferson,  Travis
                                           include right to life,  nuclear power  in  the   Wilson,  Lee  Layton,  Margi  Gemelli,
                                           United  States,  and  prayer  in  the  schools.   Amanda Wilcox, Kevin Timmons, Marianne
                                           13cing  a member of  Debate Club allows  the
                                           members  toopenly express  their thoughts   Kirby.
                                           based  on  facts.  The  primary  goal  is  to
                                           successfully  persuade others to  see  an  issue   Left:  Amanda  Wilcox  prepares  her
                                           from  their  point  of view.  Debate  Club  is
                                           wished many  more successful years at CHS.   arguement for debate.

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