Page 235 - chs-1993
P. 235
"Interact" ing with the school and community
Interact members are: Justin Allen, Jeff
Armstead, Courtney Bellote, Michelle
Borst, Heather Brehm, Krysta Cannon,
Kim Campbell, Georgia Chamberlin,
Kristin Cole, Jennifer Douglas, Joel
Foreman, Mike Gillbreath, Kim Land, Ray
Logan, Ree McCall, Laura McClellan,
Rachel McClellan, Ashley McDuffie, Dave
Mehta, Eddie Norris, Mandy Ogden,
Denise Outlaw, Amy Piersol, Patti
Register, Carrie Simmons, Christie
Simmons, Janet Smith, and Teresa Torrans.
Interact club is a community service club
that is sponsored by the Lake City Rotary
Club. They have done many things to
enhance our school and community. Some of
their projects include cleaning the trophy
cases, helping hang lights at Olustee Park
for Christmas, holding a magazine drive
for the Veterans, and helping with Special
Olympics. Interact members are given the
opportunity to shadow a Rotary Club
member at his occupation to help them
learn about different careers. The
community appreciates the work Interact
Oub members do.
Criminal Justice learns to keep order
Criminal Justice is a service club
which participates in m.ock trial
competitions. This is its first
year as an organization.
Criminal Justice members are: Jason Adams, Larry
Agness, Justin Allen, Lori Ashby, Rebecca Bates, Jason
Bell, Jack Bessecker, Dwayne Broom, Jeffery
Campbell, Jim Cannon, Georgia Chamberlin, Mike
Carreo, Lacey Cook, Ricky Dandy, Bobby Daniels, Eric
Delack, Bryan Dukes, Jeff Edge, Shadonna Edwards,
Kesha Evans, Shannon Feagle, Philip Fowler, Melissa
Fralick, Becki Garrett, Matthew Green, Eric
Hamilton, Ken Hammett, Naomi Horton, Regina
Horton, Walt Howard, Alnesia Jackson, Patricia
Jefferson, Brock Johnson, Bertha Jones, Melissa Jones,
Doug Kingsbury, Tufany Knagge, Dorrie Knight, Jason
Lang, Dawn Langston, Jason Lee, Mike Utile, Ray
Logan, John Manning, James Mansukhani, Wiley
Martin, Chris McCrady, Gerald Minter, Katie Moore,
Sharrie Moore, Dawn Morgan, Sonya Morgan, Betty
Mueller, Stephanie Nail, Wendy Neice, Amy Reeser,
Patti Register, Todd Sandlin, Naomi Sherwood,
Joseph Shelton, Amy Slanker, Antwoine Smith, Janet
Smith, Mike Smith, Kevin Southwell, Jennifer
Spicher, Diane Stalnaker, Steve Story, Laura
Sweeney, Renee Switch, Susan Tardis, Candice Taylor,
Carla Taylor, Dwayne Taylor, Mike Thompson,
Jennifer Tjernberg, Joanna Tyre, Brenda Vinton, Hilary
Vlahos, Katina Werner, Kimberly Warner, Melissa
Wasden, Philip Waters, Larry Weatherford, Angela
Webb, Chuck Williams, Stacey Wilmore, Travis
Wilson, Dennis Wright.
Interact/ Criminal justice 223