Page 81 - chs-1993
P. 81

Drama.  This  program  has
                                                                                  been  a  very  important  part  of
                                                                                  many  students'  lives  at  CHS.
                                                                                  The  drama  department         has
                                                                                  become quite active, with the fall
                                                                                  play,  Mixed  Nuts, The  Purple
                                                                                  and      Gold      Revue,     the
                                                                                  "Nutcracker",  and  the  spring
                                                                                  musical.     Students  can  build
                                                                                  sets,  collect props and costumes,
                                                                                  or  actually  act  in  a  play.   Mr.
                                                                                  Wilson is  the backbone of drama
                                                                                  at  CHS.     His  push  for  an
                                                                                  expanded  role  for  Drama  and
                                                                                  Dramatic  productions  has
                                                                                  resulted in a very special part of
                                                                                  the  CHS  curriculum.  All  the
                                                        Mr. Oakes is responsible for   world's  a  stage ..... and  now
                                                        building  sets  for  and   students are really a part of it!!!
                                                        filming  drama events.

      Mr. Wilson, why are you making that face?
     It must be time to start another production.       Drama Club members show their love of attention!  Posing in front of the
                                                        camera:  botom row:  Jason Adams, Angel Henderson, Baysha Perkins,
                                                        Jimmy Keaton, Tiffany Horton, Toni Thorsby, Shilo Thomas.  top row:
                                                        Steve Story, Jim Cannon, Chris Coleman, Lee Layton, Daryl Ward, Jami
                                                        Dockery, Kelli Freeman, Katie Clement, Linda Betanco,  Scott Henley.

     Jim Cannon, Drama Club president, expresses
     his confusion about life in general.               Acting I and Drama II students pose as Valdosta students at a pep rally.

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