Page 85 - chs-1993
P. 85
Leaders of Tomorrow! Student Council is the premier
student club at CHS. Even during the
summer, when all other students were
still enjoying their vacations, Student
Council was planning "Welcome Back"
activities for teachers.
Student Council is one of the most
active clubs at CHS. Student Council
is responsible for planning all
Homecoming activities such as Field
Day, Student-Teacher Volleyball
game, Floats, the Bonfire, and the Pep
Rally, along with numerous other
activities throughout the year.
On October 1, when other clubs were
hardly getting started, Student
Council hosted a District Meeting at
Columbia High School North
Campus for Student Councils from all
wdenhip 3rd period-Front row: Kyle Keen, Tim Thrift, Matt Vann, Olris Almeida, Krysta C"nnon, Amy over North Florida. Student Council
Piersol, Essie Holden, Sybil Sheppard. B;ack row: Kim Curry, Pam Sheppard, Rick Murphy, Thayl;a also participates in the HRS
Williams, Summer Sapp, Ray Kirkland, Baysha Perkins, Rick Dandy, Shannon Walters, L;anitra Waters,
Dave Mehta, Misty Gaddis, Andl'Clll Gambles, Teresa Torrans. Christmas party for needy children in
Columbia County.
Ms. Whitfield is the advisor who
manages to fit in Student Council
activities and also to teach two
Leadership classes, Economics classes,
and, for the first time, an AP
American Government class. Thanks,
Ms. Whit, for all your hard work.
"fJ3eing Stuaent Counci{ Presiaent
lias 6een tlie 6est possi6[e way to ena
my liigli sclioo{ career. It lias
provUfea many va{ua6[e Ce.ssons tliat
I 'UJi{{ carry witli me wlierever I go
LGdershlp 4th period-Silting: Katrina Weatherspoon, Tanya Gardner, Stacy Adams, l;aura Oayton,
Teres;a Bryant, Shaune Mayo, Terri McKire, Rikki Priest, Darby l;ane. J<ncding: Patti Pickett, Paul in my Cife. "
Anderson. St;anding: Brandy Crusaw, Denitra Kelly, Treasa Brown, Becki Garrett, Debbie Richards,
Amanda Wilcox, Pam Smith, Carleen Tillman, Davena Merricks, Lynn Coles, Keita Combs, Toni Thorsby, -Lynn Co{es
Tara Thomas.
Student Council Officers: Matt Vann, Treasurer; Treasa Drown, Sgt. At Arms;
Pam Smith, Secretary; Lynn Coles, President; Carleen Tillman, Vice President; Carleen Tillman and Teresa Torrans take
Teresa Torrans, Parliamentarian; Ms. Whitfield, Advisor. a break from helping at Field Day.
Student Council