Page 184 - chs-1994
P. 184

The Students Choice. Student Council.

                                                       Student Council  was a  very  involved group during 1993 and 1994.  President
                                                 Pam Smith did an excellent job of motivating everyone involved  in  this  eventful  year.
                                                The Council, which consists of only students elected  in  either school-wide elections or
                                                by  their  first  period  classes,  provided  the  entire  school  with  many  activities.
                                                llomecoming is a big example of what Student Council  tries  to  provide for  the student
                                                body.  Mr  C.H.S.,  I I.R.S.  Christmas  party,  and,  starling  this  year,  The  C.H.S.
                                                Calendar are  all  projects  and  fund-raisers  they  bring  to  the  school.  Sponsor  Mrs.
                                                Whitfield  dedicates a  great deal  of time  to  the  group and  as  a  team,  everyone  has
                                                provided a  very successful year.  They all deserve  thanks  from  the  Columbia  High
                                                School student body.

         Mr-.. Whitfi<·ld  knows spon.,oring an organi/ahon
         ".:1  full  time job. She al.,o coordmate-. all  .,t udt•n t
         .:lC h VIhe~ ill CHS.

         Senior  representative  Leigh  Ann  T homas  sells
         t>chool  cal endars  during  lunch.  Student  Council
         t>pends a g re.1t deal of time rolising money.

           With .1  crown and  flower-;  who could be happier? Mr. CIIS Jason C.  Lang  takes a  victory  la p  at  this   Senior Pam Smith had th<• honor  of serving as  the
           year's ceremony.
                                                                                    Stud ent  Council  presid ent.  The  offi ce  is  ve ry
                                                                                    in vo lved ,  requ iring  many  sp eeches  a nd
                                                                                    appc.u..,nn •s throughout the yc.u.
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