Page 186 - chs-1994
P. 186
At the Heads of Their Classes. Class Officers.
Senior Class Officers: Sildiltril Everett,
president, Kyle Keen, vice-president, Eddie
orm., secretary, Krysta Cannon, trea!>urer.
Junior Cl:ass Officers: Shilnnon Clyiltt,
president, Demsc Outlilw, vice-president, Dilve
Mehtil, secrctilry, Essie Holden, treilsurer.
Some of the most active and
resourceful students at CHS arc class
officers. These elite individuals are
chosen by their peers to represent
their classes in class competitions and
activities. Good examples of such
competitions are Homecoming Week
and the Penny Wars. These people
help make the things we do at school
more competitive and, more
importantly, more fun.
Sophomore Cl:ass Officers: Zilch Brown,
president, •cole Sheffield, vice-president, Chris
Bell, secretary, Monica Brady, treasurer.
Freshmen Cl:ass Officers: Allio;on Powers, vice..~
pre~1dent, Amandil Pilrncll, treasurer, )ilson
Worley, pres1dent, fun-Y•ng Yang, secrelilry,
O;mielle Conner, officer at lilrgc.
182 ;$- Clubs- Student Council