Page 189 - chs-1994
P. 189
"Spani~h club giVl'S students
the opportumty to e periencc
dtverse cultur.JI lUstoms .1nd
-K.1tie Clement
First row : Ori::~n Mimbs, Chris llerlong, J<~smine P01tel, Christie Orownlee, K::~tie Clement, John R01nken, Laum
Collins, Orandi I3rown. Second row : Laurel Ring, Mystry Faith, Anthony Thurston, Jason Armste01d, Orock
Johnson, John O::~iley, Scott Ad01ms, Mike Townsend, Keni Phillips, Amy Pournell, Matthew Verducci.
Spanish Club Speaks Your Language
The Spanish club gives Spanish students the chance to further explore the
language that they study. The learning docs not stop there though. Culture in Spain
and Mexico is also studied. With the growing number of Spanish speakers in the
community and state, the students will no doubt be able to usc their efforts in the real
Mrs. C<~n<~lejo instructs her members on 01ll
aspects of the Sp01nish culture. She uwtted only Wh<~t's this? Keni Phillips 01nd Christie Orownlee cr01mming for 01 Sp01nish test? You girls should <~lre<~dy
students in Sp::~nish cl<~sses <~g<~in this Yl':lr to know this stuff!
insure th::~t ::~11 students were truly involved tn
thetr studies.
Spanish Clubs 185