Page 202 - chs-1994
P. 202

Profit Through Leadership. FBLA.

                                                 FI3LA  is  a club dedicated to  informing teens about business education. Members
                                                 aspire  to  one  day  go  into  business  for  themselves  or  head  other companies.
                                                  Leadorship training and good business sense are taught during meetings to these
                                                 busy students.

        Keeping a club  together is a big job! Mrs. Evans led
        FBLA  like a pro this year.

         Necole Dixon and Nakitha Rossin  work together on
         an  upcoming  project. Cooperation and  office skills
         arc essential to the busim.-sswoman.

          "FBLA  j.., il  gr<'at  bustness club
          that  enables  students  to
          develop greilt bu.,ine~s ~k•lls."­
          Wilnitril D1  on

                                        First row: Mia Bennett, Tea Campbell, Sybil Sheppard, Nccolc Dixon. Second row: Kelly Daniels, Shakeira Merrick,.
                                        Wc.'ltlcy Watson, Nakitha, Mcggan Maxwell, FrcdrcSSil Cook, Chris Bell.

        198  )ll$!l  Clubs- FBLA
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