Page 199 - chs-1994
P. 199
"In HOSA you lt•.:~rn .:~bout tht·
mcdoc.1l profession while
h.:~vin~ fun."
-S..r.1h Wh~-cler
First row : sponsor Mrs. Holiday, Marie Lang, Edith English, Shakayla Fennel, Sara Wheeler. Second row : Susan Herlong,
Shilo Thomas, Andy Selph, Lau-Don !lodges, Tracy Capells, Beverly Standlick.
Watch Out I>oogie Howser, It's Ha3A
For those who partiCipated, IIOSA w.1s a very busy club this year. To !>tart the year, thl•
dub extended 1ts mob into the north cJmpus und found a great bunch of Fre..,hmen ready to
work. From there it wus off to the races as HOSA concentrated on functiOns for the le~..,
fortunutl' Jnd civ1c awarcnes" proJect<.. A few of the service proJeCts thi.., year were lhl'
Dream Machme dunng Chmtma'> and volunteering at the local Velrans tw ... pital. Civic
awareness came in the form of two competitive blood-drives Jgainst Suwanee High School
Jnd p.1rtinput1on 1n Drug Free Srhools Week. On top of the1r work for others, the group
purttcipated 111 I hmw ·om1ng and the various conferenn•s around the <Jrea. Some of the
upperclassmen even worked with C.H .5. athletics a.., Student Athlete Trainers, a progr.:~m
thatteacht•s inlere..,ted studl•nts some pointers on stdeline first-aid in sports. The year has
been both full of fun ,md full of mctmmes for all those involved.
HOSA member Milrie Lang sheds blood during
competition with Live Oak. The club con tinued the First row : Kylic Mnrkhnm, Merilen Dnughtery, Cnsta Vmmg, Esta I:. vans, 1 rav1!> ovoccog.:.~oo~ Dave Mcintyre.
blood drive competition with the Bulldogs of Live Oak Second row : April Skinner, Renee' Wnltrip, Adncnnc llyscll, Adriannc Cox, Sabra Foreman, Lnn, ;:J::-:;;.
this year. Lori Wolfington.
Clubs 195