Page 205 - chs-1994
P. 205
Jayccni Patel was th<' most
outstandinE; member of the
Photography Club this year.
She cxcmpliricd the idc.1l
mt•mbcr throughout tht• year.
Front row: Officers: Mystry Faith, Rina Patel, Mrnal Amin, Lori Pittman, Kcri Pappas, Sheri Pappas, jayccni Patel, Amy
Thomas. Second row: Shdo Thomas, Christie Brownlee, Kim McKenney, Nicki Moore, Amanda E;rcll, Krio;ti Free, Jamie
Desrosiers, Shannon Feagle, Mr. Oakes. Third row: Tony Thurston, Jam1c Tann.:~chion, Jennifer Coffin, Kctna Patel, Nita
Thackor, Laura Collins, C.:~thcrinc Reynolds, Mandi Tillotson, Ashley McDuffie, Carol Sanders, Jigisa Patel.
Say Cheese! Photography Club.
Photography Club enjoyed another great year at CHS-South. The club, led
by sponsor Mr. Oakes, conducted many fund raisers this year. The most popular were
the picture days managed by club members. Among these days were holiday photo
days and valentine photos. The group used the money from each photo lo support
their hobby of picture taking.
What usc arc good photos if they aren't
developed? Christie Brownlee and Shannon Everybody smile big for the picture! Mr. Oakes shares some time with club members.
Holton usc the darkroom in Journalism class.
Photography- Clubs r;;?+ 201