Page 253 - chs-1994
P. 253
Breon Thomas, "Big" Mike Williams and
Tashae Everett think they know how to mac,
but we see how many girls are around them.
You won't get very far on your knees ladies.
It helps if you stand up.
Told you, you can't run on your knees. Maybe
e Kneeling Left-Right Andrea Lucht, Brooke Stubbs, Ia nell me Ferrin, Sybil Chapman, Sabrina Estes, Mishane Ma~ood, you'll believe me now. Get up and run!
and KnstY. Castillo. Standing lcft-Rizht: coach Geraldine Robinson 1 Odessa Uryant, Shimetric Johnson, Thindaria
f Knowles, Arnie llenry, Antwonette Williams, Shana Ross, and Edithia JacKSOn. Not p1ctured is Diane S'talnaker.
Girls Track Schedule
March 3 Baker County 55-L
March 8 Live Oak 64-W
•March 22 Lake Weir
•March 29 Baker County
•April 4 Live Oak
•April 16 Santa Fe
•April 21 Madison
•April 28 Orange Park
Sitting Left·rlght: Thlndarla Knowles, Antwonetle Wllllama, Janell McFerrlnSybll Chapman, Sabrina Estes. Andrea
Lutch, Brooke Stubbs, Kristy Castillo and coach Jim NunneleeKnHiing Left·Right: Edithia Jackson. Mlshane Magwood. •The scores are unavailable.
Odessa Bryant, Sabrina Estes, Troy Sheppard, Roddrick Williams, VIncent Knowles,Adrian Cooper, Darrell Ray. Charles
Smoth. Preston Owens. Standing Left-Right: coach Geraldine Robinson, AmieHenry, Shometric Johnson, Alex Martinez,
Matt Kerce, Kevin Prueter, Jason Robertson, Neil Dinges, Tashae Everetl, Mall Karnon, Breon Thomas, Moke Wolliams,
Ouonton Smoth, AI Nelson, Lee Mikell, Moke Williams, Quonton Taylor, Drew Sloan, assistant coach Lawrence Davia.
Girls Track ,~. 249