Page 286 - chs-1994
P. 286
"Many aaugfiters fiave tfone we{[, 6ut tfiou e~celfest tfiem aiL" Prover6s 31:29
Jts is written in Prover6s, I tfo tfiink_you ~etC tfiem a[( in my fieart. You fiave 6un a
gooa stutient · 6otfi acatiemicai[y anti otfierwise. I'm very prouti of a[( your marty
accomp[isfiments tfirougfiout tfie years. %is year6ook_ wi[[ forever 6e an e~amp!t. of
your tieaication, anti wi{[ also 6e a great memory for you to carry witfi you as you
start tiown a new roati on life s journey. ~mem6er to Kf,tp (joa rigfit 6y you as you
go aWng. I am so tlianlfu! tfiat (joa gave me tfie fionor anti privilege of 6eing ca!Cea
''l(rysta 's Mom."
282 ~- Sr. Ads- Krysta Cannon