Page 287 - chs-1994
P. 287
William "Bip" Summers
Sin~~ .
UJe arc prou~ ~f ~~u.
Bip, To my buddy for
J~u 111111 be able t.o ~~ all
always- I love you more
tu life t.I.Jat p~u ~u!rc.
than you know!
Aunt Janet }uit i t&l! true t<l ~~ur olllu
cuc~sutc~ ~cart.
I3ip, What a special part
of our family you arc. UJ c lo\lc ~ou ,
God gave me a nephew to
••~. Start.I.Ja, ~ l ull . au~ eranp
love and a big brother for
your cousins. I love you
Aunt Debbie
JASON LEE Patti 2{f_gister
Eighteen summers have come We've 6een tfirougfi a [ot over tfie past tfiree years, ups
and gone
since you became part of our am[ aowns, out I woufan't tratfe tfiem in for anytfiing.
home. 'Even tfiougli I've 6een gone, you are sti[[ my 6est friena
What a joy to watch your life
unfold. am[ I tlianl(you for everytfiing. Congratu[ations on
You have been unique, often your graauation tfiis year ana no matter wfiat tfie
in your own zone.
Through the years you've future fio[rfs I wif[ [ove you always.
brought happiness
untold. .Love,
Both of us have such memories Jolin
to hold,
special memories provided by
you alone
warm memories that will
never grow cold.
Step into the next phase of life
and be bold.
Meet life's challenges straight
up and head on.
We love you,
Mom & Dad