Page 290 - chs-1994
P. 290
Sliannon tJ3ucKfes ana o/ickje IJ(jm6a[[
'11/e are proutf of a{{ of your achievements. 'lou
have worf\st£ harr{ for them. ~tic are proru{ of your
£oak$ ant£ intemgwce, 6ut 11wst of a{{ we are proutf of
your 6eing you. 'We wrsh you succcs:irt 1vhatever
you tfecttfe to tfo, just rwrwr6er you are very specra{
to us. 'We wish you the venJ 6cst.
'ftlith a{{ tfrcse tcchnica£ wontfcrs aroun1f us we are
going to wisfr. you something incrccfifj{y oM fasfr.ioned.
'ITie joy of rcatfing 6oo{v. 'Boo{(} rwmo{ested 6y
:Jfo{{ywooi{, themcparfv, or cartoonrsts. Just 6ook$.
One mint£ speakjng to anotfrcr across time ana space.
~mcm6er wcCove you a{ways. 'lou wr{{ a{ ways 6e
irt our tfrougfr.ts, ant£ hearts forever!
'J.{vm, 'Bria11, Stcpharue, & Sfrawn 'J.(idrnc£
'We rntt in tfu fourth. graae {or puftaps tfu 6tgmning of fifth..}
Our tunt as cfutrftaaers for tfu littft ftagut ao(pfim.s
was tfu 'Wt /lUI up agam tn tfit Stvtntfi gratft, ana our
fritntf.sfup 6tgan to grow aga1n. 'Wt 6otfi k;_now tf1trt wtrt
tirnu wfun wt could (uwt {Q[[ta eacft otfur, 6ut we rruuft it
tftrougfi tfiis ana otfur stuff too. '1V(un Wt movuf away
£ year, wt tfUfn 't k;_now wfun wt would su tach. otfur agam,
6ut Wt rruuft it 6ack;_ to c.?fs. for our stnior year. Our
jritt1tf.sft1p w1[[ £ forwu. .9ls uJt go our upuatt ways lets
stay m toudL
'To a{[ of OUf otfur friwtf.s Wt maat lrl life: 'We WISh you
ptau, fovt, ana
Lovmg all, Sh.anrwn L. 1Juck;_fts & 'Vic{Qt Lea 'J(jm6a[[