Page 293 - chs-1994
P. 293

Sarah                                               W he-e-[er

                                                                            Sarah, ~u.'re. the.  best si-ste.r a- person
                                                                            couLd. a-sk for.  J"he, ne.xt tLrne. you. 11€ed.
                                                                            somebody to ca-m.p ou.t  wi-th  you. for
                                                                            aarth .Brooks  ti-cke-ts  Le.t 's  90! 5 1-xte.e.n
                                                                            hours ain't not:hi-nf3!
                                                                                                    Love. ya,

      tu3ratuCatWns to our baby 9i.rl.. lj:Jur 9rowinq up years went by so
     a-st.  ContinU€. to strWe. and reach t:he 90aLs that you have. set for
             . Stay the s~ sweet 9i.rl. that you are. and ooch one. wi([

                                                                                 ~u.'ret:he.bestauntever!! Jl1a.nk,.s for
                                                                                 spoiLLY1-f3 me. l, Cove you.!
                                                                                 Love, Samantha
                                                                                            Sarah Wheeler Sr. Ads  ~~ 289
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