Page 294 - chs-1994
P. 294
On 'Mardl 15, 1976 qoa 6kssd Jolin. atui Sflirfey
Lana witn a 6umtifu£ 6ahy IJirf. Over tftt years
wt 'vt lid our ups arnl tfowns, 6ut tion 't forett you
wert our first atui you {ian 't conu witn an
instruction 6ook.,
'We 'rt so prouti tftat you sfuut your famify s fovt
for lJ8ricufturt. 'Your o;ptrienu.s tfi.routjft sftowi"IJ
fivtstod;_ftavt fulpd you aain sdf-c.onfiknu anti
Culm responsihility.
Our fittu 9in is off to co{[qft. Sums {i~
yestmiay wt wert puttin9 you on tftt 6us for
£JruU'9artm, now you're off to 'lifton, (jtoriJia.
(jooti {uck_ at ~6rafi.atn '1Jal4win %ricultura£
'J{ptftin I vmturd notftin '9aind S011U tinus
you 'vt 90t to 90 Of!Dinst tnt 9rain.
Mama, 'DatUiy, Jmny & Sus~