Page 362 - chs-1994
P. 362
¢i>erp time :n t!Jink of pou :n t!Jank t!Je
~orb for b!e.s.sing me witb .suc!J a
wonberful .son anb frienb. ~ome people
pa.s.s t!Jroug!J t!Ji.S worlb anb lea1>e it
a.s t!Jep founb it, but pou !Jai>e taken t!Je
time to bo t!Je .special t!Jing.s t!Jat make t!Je
wor!b more beautiful. ~ou !Jai>e mabe ntp
life .so full of memorie.s, .some goob- .some
bab, but Wit!JOU( pou t!)ere WOUlb !)ai>e been
no life for me. :n prap t!Jat ali of pour
bream.s in life wiii come true.JRemember
to put t!Je ~orb anb :me wiii .see pou
t!Jroug!J an t!Jing.s.
:n loi>e pou,
~4..· Sr. Ads- Wayne Laxton