Page 472 - chs-1994
P. 472
Shatvn R. Hyse[[
'J"he years Mve. fCown fly roo qu.kRLy. lt seems Cike.
on(y ye.sten:!a.y that we. brolU)ht you home from the
hospild. you .so tiny a,nd,, .so frCUJiie;
we. ca.n re.tnembe.r .so cCoor-Cy ~ wa,y your (itt(e. cry
sou.nd:ed.. As you 9re.w we. ca,n see you in our
mind-s eye. Q,S Q, f,(ond,, cu.r(y headed, wcUUe.r with
flea.utifu.L fl(ond, hCI-i.r; we. ca,n hea-r the. CatUJhte.r a,.s
you pta.tjed.; see. the. tea.n, a,nd, hea-r the. cri.e..s whe.n
you had, a, boo-floo a,nd, ca,me. ru.nnin9 to u.s for
comfort. da.tJS a,re. CJOM and, in tftW p(ace. tands a, fine
IJOUI'\C) Chri.sti.CI-n ma,n, now with dark-... cu.fttJ hair, a,
confident .smUe. a,nd, a, ca,ring attitude. wwan!.s his
fe.[(ow ma,n. your .su.cce.sse..s a,re ma.mJ flu.t none
a,ny grmter or more. important lhCI-n. IJOU.r desire w
.show Christ's fnve w others.
We. a,re. so proud of you! Wherever you CJO a,nd,
wha,tever you cLo - re.tnemfler - we're J'tom and,
Da,d,. We're a.Lwa,ys, we.'[ a.Lwa,y Cove you,
.support you, pmy for you, a,nd, hdp you in Cl-ntJ
way we. can.
J"tom & Da,d,
468 ]JI®Y- Sr. Ads - Shawn Hysell