Page 473 - chs-1994
P. 473

o/EtJ?.:]J'Ll CCI

                                                        Ona upon a tunt
                                                      'Wtsfrowd you ut very real ways
                                                    'Ifiat we wert always fu.rt for you · ·
                                                       'JI{p TTUltttr wftat you rudd.
                                                       'We if 6e rijjfu 6y your 6dsuu
                                                    'W1im you wtrm 't quiu fulUifJ wtfl . . .
                                                     :JfoUf your ftaru{ to cross tfu. strut .. .
                                                'Wrap you in fwgs wfam you wtrt af roilf or fwrti"iJ-
                                                     rj it were only still tfUJt easy
                                                 'To sflidtf you from pain arul tfisappovttment,
                                               'To uft your spints arul TTUl~ tvtrytfu"il all 6ttur.
                                                      'But part of 6tt"iJ a parent
                                                      fs fin!ing tf~ StTt"iJUt
                                                        'To ~t you go
                                                        'To ~t you grow
                                                    J'rom mistak_es arul r~nacf~ . ..
                                                        'To ~~ you f:;;ww
                                                   'Ifiat you can ~ it on your oum.
                                                      1Vt 'vt tmtf to give you
                                                       'If~ space you nutf
                                                    'To~ your oum tfuisions
                                                     'T~ your oum dianas
                                                  7lrul ful your oum way vt tftt worUi.
                                                    { fropt you'([ always TtiTI'-mDtr
                                                     :}{ow truly s ptcial you art
                                                  :Jfow rTWCn Wt Wvt aruf cf~risn you
                                                      7uul tfUJt wt 'rt still
                                                      1()gnt for you.
                                                     Ltnlt uft wu£ live tt wt.rdy.
                                                      '}.{om, 'Datf arul ~tfam
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