Page 477 - chs-1994
P. 477

'You  fi.ave  matfe  me  very  proua  of !JOU.   'You  were  an
                                      inspiration  to me as we[[ as !JOUr 6rotfiers.  I  tfiin/(!Jou  are
                                      a ver!J  special person  in !JOUr  own Wa!J.  'You  are  a smart,
                                      6rigfit,  inte«igen t,  successju[,  6eautijuf person.  'You  were
                                      afwa!JS  wif[ing  to  fiefp  otfiers  even  if it  feft  !JOU  witfiouL.
                                      'You gave even wfien !JOU  aiin't fiave  to give.  Pfease k:!ep  up
                                     !JOUr  success.  I  {Qt.ow  !JOU  are  capa6fe  of acc.ompfisfiing
                                      an!Jtfiing !JOU  set OUL  to  ao.  I  am  VU!J  proua of !JOU.   1
                                     .Love 'You!
                                                       9dom,  'lJatf,  Terry,
                                                   J"ruufie Jr.,  ana 'lJemetricus

                                                                                           Stacey Ander  on - Sr. Ad  ~- 473
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