Page 104 - chs-1995
P. 104

John Nims
                                                         Be  h Noll
                                                      Manssa North
                                                    Chnst1na Oakley
                                                      Sarah Ochoa

                                                      Chad Owens
                                                      Terry Owens
                                                      Shawn Pace
                                                       Angel Parks
                                                    Amanda Parnell

            FFA  member Jered  Lane  helps  put
            together a  winning  seal.               Amelia Parnell
                                                     Scarlet Parnell
                                                    Michelle Parnsh
                                                     Kev1n Parsons
                                                        Tim Pate

                                                      Pun1ta Patel
                                                      Deepali Patil
                                                      Just1n Peeler
                                                 Sanah Pendergrast
                                                     Enck Pepper

                                                    Bobby Per  ee
                                                   Vanessa Phelps
                                                      Josh Phillips
                                                     William Phillips
                                                  Matthew Ph lpot

           Notes. notes. and more notes. is how
           Sabrina  Estes.  Kelll  Taylor.  Kelly  Uphaus.
           and Carissa  Williams  describe Mr.    Randall Pidgeon
           Mont's class.                            Melissa Pierce
                                                     Todd P1ersol
                                                 Rebekah Plunkett
                                                    Curt1s Poarch

                                                   Shlkata Pollard
                                                      Bnan Pope
                                                    Joann Poulson
                                                    Harold Powell
                                                    Allison Powers

                                                    Glenn Preine
                                                   Jonathan Pnce
                                                   Susan Pnvette
                                                    Kev1n Prueter
                                                   Heather Raska

          Artistic  ability comes easy to  Jason
                                                  Leanna Raskan
                                                   Bnan Raulerson
                                               Rebecca Raulerson
                                                Stephan1e Reddick
                                                     Toma Reed

     00             Sophomores
   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109