Page 101 - chs-1995
P. 101
Matt Hall
Shawn Ham1lton
Trav1s Harnngton
Jason Horns
Robby Hatfield
Bnan He1tzke
Rachel Hermenesman
John Hicky
N1cole H1nes
·computer wiz" Chad Cray explores the
Jason Hofman abilities of the library's new computers.
Trav1s Holland
Jason Holl1ngsworth
Gerri Houston
Kelly Hubbard
T erron Hudson
Amy Hunter
Geanna Hunter
Israel Hunter
Mordec1a Hunter
Trav1s Hunter
Shanna Hurst
Samantha Hush
Stephanie Hyde
Adnenne Hysell
Why is Andy Matthews not doing his work?
Why can't he be more like Maria Zelaya?
Usa Jachens
Libra James
Donald Jenk1ns
Danny Jenn1ngs
Rebecca Jernigan
Willie Jern1gan
Willie Jernigan
Miranda Jerry
Andy Johns
Christ1na Johnson
Shmetnc Johnson
Glona Johnson
Jakone Jones
Tia Jones
Tony Jones
After finishing their debates, Mrs. Burnette
tries to settle the dispute between Jenalyn
Swisher and Wesley Douglas - the victor of
the debate is still unknown .....
Jan1ce Jordon
Rachael Just1ce
Bonn1e Keaton
Jane Keeler