Page 99 - chs-1995
P. 99

Marcus Cray
                                                               Cliffton Crowder
                                                               Derek Cumm1ngs
                                                               Lori Cutford

                                                                Marton Da1es
                                                                Tabitha Dallas
                                                                Brandi Daniels
                                                                Gary Dan1els
                                                                James Dan1els

                                                                                       Sponge  is  an  alternative  band  that
                                                                Merilea Daughtry       has  locally  evolved.  It  has  four
                                                                Sara Daughtry          members,  pictured  above  are  only
                                                                Donny Dav1dson
                                                                De1dra Dav1s           three;  left  to  right  are  Jason  Cobb,
                                                                Edward Davis           Andy  Johns,  and  Stowe  Richards.

                                                                Tak1ta Davis
                                                                John Delgado
                                                                Allison Dicks
                                                                Clint Dicks
                                                                Km D1cks

                                                                Trav1s Dicks
                                                                Ne1l D1nges
                                                                Billy D1ngter
                                                                Ryan Dobson
                                                                Shane Dodier            "Primarily,  Stowe  and  I  write  the
                                                                                        lyrics  for  our  songs•  says  Andy.
                                                                                        Andy  enjoys  playing  the  guitar  and
                                                                                        singing.  Those  are  a few  of  the
                                                                                        talents  that  he  contributes  to  the
                                                                Daniel Dom1nguez
                                                                Samantha Dossett        band.
                                                                Amber Douberley
                                                                Sarah Douglas

                                                                Amy Drawdy
                                                                Bnan Eberhardt
                                                                Carne Ebert
                                                                 Tammy E1set

                                                                 Stephanie Elwell       Billy sings backup vocals and plays
                                                                 Melissa Enos           bass guitar.  ·we plan to record a
                                                                 Chns Es1ng
                                                                 Sabnna Estes           demo tape at starlight  Studios.·
                                                                 Esta Evans             says Billy. For  a  group that started
                                                                                        off just playing the future looks bright!

                                                                 Robert Everett
                                                                 Shonto Farmer
                                                                 Mark Fedenco
                                                                 Elizabeth Fe1nberg
                                                                 Larry Fennell

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