Page 118 - chs-1995
P. 118
What kind of privileoes Right Now. II II
do you oet at
Columbia Hioh that you
Dov1s. Jenn1fer
didn't oet at other Davis. Jody
Davis. L1sh1a
schools? Good or Bad Dov1s. Moriole
Davie. William
Days, Bridgette
Deland. April
Desros1ers. Jess1e
.. The staff is better Dews. William
Dicks. Stephen
here than at most Dololdson. Reg1no
Dossett. Robert
Douglas. Frederic
- Charles Garner Douglas. Holly
Downing, Aliso
Doyle. Jeremy
Drawdy, Betty Jean
DrehoH. Donielle
"You get more Dubas. Richard
Duhart. Anton1o
privileges such as no Dupree. Charles
lunch teacher and Dyck. Stephanie
Eadie. Angelo
etc." Elk1ns. Amanda
-Heather Scott Ellington. Chnst1no
Ellis. Bradley
Ellis. Roy
Evans. Fronk
Everett. Brandi
Everett. Bridget
"More self- Ezell. Mlcheol
Ezell. T ereso
responsibility." Fo1th. Rachel
Former. Tina
Farnell. Jeremy
Feagle. Joyce
- Cindy Jordan
Feagle. Kendra
Feagle. Wiley
Fennell. Brandy
Fenter. Jeffery
Floyd, Tommy
Fluellen. Tremeka
" More variety of
Foster. BenJamin
food at lunch." Foster. Dustin
Francis. Richard
Froz1er. Aaron
Free. Gregory
- Courtney Roberts Freemon. Carlos
Friar. Kot1e
Frisbee. Joseph
Fulford. Eva
Ga1ner. Terrance
"You get to sit where Garner. Charles
you want at lunch Garrett. Jenn1fer
and they don't treat
Garringer. Daniel
you like babies Gaskill. John
Gosk1ns. Chnst1no
anymore. H
Gaylord. Steven
Ge1ger. Lea
- Josh Paschall Geiger. Marcia
Freshmen Designed by: Sarah Kelly, Julie Sadler and Melissa Sadler