Page 150 - chs-1995
P. 150

'94-'95 Boys J.V.  Basketball ..... Hoopin' it Up!

                             The  boy'>  J. V.  Ba.,ketball
                             te.:~m  wa.,  compn'ied  of  a
                             group  of talented  young
                             player:-.  who  hope  to
                             '-Oilleday be the star., of the
                             Var!>ity.  This year' o.;  team
                             -.truggled  at  t1meo;,  but
                             showed  flashes   of
                             potent1al  to  o;omeday  be
                             -.oml'lhmg :-.pco.:~J.  While
                             their  record   i.,   not
                             nnpre:-.sJvc,  they  lost  a  lot
          Head Coach         of close games  and  didn't
          John Brown         catch  too  many  good
                             break:-. However, they
         g.we all  they had  night 1n  and  n1ght out. The team''>
        main characten-.tic was tough, aggressive play. Their
        pressure dcfen!'>c  produced  Innumerable  tumover'>.
        Along wllh  thi'>  tough dcfen e  wa.,  the  j. V.'s '>teady
        offen!'>e, wllh good nut.,idc '>hooter-. hkl•  Ryan Dob:-.on,
                                                   Boys J.V. Basketball, Front Row, L-R: Todd Piersol, Jamille Bullock, Mike G
         11Chacl Greene, Todd Piersol, and Tommy Allen; and
                                                   Ryan Dobson, Mike Burton. Back Row, L-R: Lamar Grice, Chris Crews, Wayne
        hard-working  rebounders  llkl!  Tony  Jones,  Omar
                                                   Broom, Omar I laddock, Tony Jones, Frezeal Rowe
        Haddock, and  Wayne Broom.  Chris  Crews,  Fre/eal
        RoWl', and  M1kc  Burton ai~H played strongly  for  tlw
        J.V.  Tiger'>.  If  they  cont1nue  to  work  hard  and
        1mprove,  th1s  good  J. V.  team  can  someday  bl•  an
        c>.cdlent Varsity :-quad.

                                                     Tommy Allen skys for a artistic
                                                     two against Gainesville High.

          Michael Greene looks for a teammate
          to pass to.      -

                                                   Michael Greene pulls up and attempts to get the ball into the post for Omar
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