Page 146 - chs-1995
P. 146

               FOR  A  GREAT  FUTURE ......... 1994/95  J.V.  FOOTBALL

           J.V. Head Coach
           Donnie Harrison
         1994 J.V. TIGERS SCHEDULE

         Date   Opponent

         9-8    Gonesvi e
         9-15   Ld<eWQ/
         9-22   st. Augusthe

         9-'19   Bucl't1olz

         1~     HamltonCo.
         10-13   Baker Co.

         10-20   SJNamee
         10-26   OangePark

           The futue looks brl~t for the Tiger footbdl progran
           as  the  J.V. Tigers  fielded another strong  lean for
           the  1994  season.  Quarterback  Bruce  Willians.
           n.nninQ  bocks  Robert  Salders. nm  Pate.  and  the
           powerlu offellSive  lone  led  the  Toge"  to  many
           excltong  scores  Unebockers  Hervy  Comlel  and
          Terrence Harel.  dong with the stongy defensive line
          and  secondary  mode  points  neor-omposslble  to
          come by for  the opposltoon. Cluing tt.e season. the
           Baby Tigers  crushed ach rival  Suwannee  61-o.  It
          looks Ike the Od<en &.del......,. be  sate  for yeas to
          come.  Through  hard  work  and  desire.Cooch
           Hanson <n:1 Ns staff prod.Jced yet another womer.

                                           Ft-ont Rov.l(r  to 1.) OYis Butler. Amold Gnffin. Ben Odom. Willie C. Jemgcn. Mike OYis~e. Thomas Crews. Maio Anderton. Janes
                                           Waters. rom Cos>idy, TrCMs Huller, &uce Wi  ans. Shc:rnon Clll'f, MaC\Js Anderson. TrOII!s Hanngton. Orancine ~oy. Ovis Ellis •
                                           .Iavis &,!rd. Jeff Wad. Adtion Copper  Second Rowe  Heod Coach Dome Hanten. Vncant Knowles. Qunton Cdum. rom  Pate.
                                           Woyr,e Jemigcn. Terrence Harel. Eilsd'l Clover. Chc:rles Gilmore.  Kevon Kemington. Woyr,e Broom. Don London. ~&Q Ft-ee.
                                           Terrence Goner. Hervy Camiel. Robert Sa>ders. Eric l.Jffie, Robert Ma-ra. Jon Poice. Garis Reed. AuisiCJ"'t Cooch flick Bicknell. lhrd
                                           Row: Aslis1CJ"'t Cooch Tony DeWeese. Assos1CJ"'t  Coach Waren Gay,Kicking Coach Billy Jer-nings. Jeff Cason. Hary Mote. ~ck
                                           Ro.Jierson.  Morrell Bernett, JoiY'I Delgado, Levo Bennett. Joson McCadle. Chns &own, Clint Dcks. Adan Sdzbug. Miccn Tllotson,
                                           Stephen Dcks. Robby Hoffield. Joson Hollingsworth. Ben Sowell, John ~eene. Brion Ro.Jerson. ShoiNn Oesofte, Assistant Coach
                                           Chuck Mobley. Fourth Row: Wduom Lawson. Oaold W~loans.  Breon King. Johnne Wofker. Cates Ft-eemcro.  Ft-ezell  Rowe. Jooon
                                           King,  Kewo Pasons, Trovos McGee. Matt Bergen, Ben; Swo!her, Juston Peeler, Joson Worley, Janes W~ls. Jerico lklderwood. Cal
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