Page 158 - chs-1995
P. 158
Swimming ... BOY! GDU
L.lveOok v.t1 v.t1
Godby vkl loss
Orange Pork loss loss
Middleburg ......., .......,
Go<!by/ Rickards win/win loss/win
Eastside loss loss
Uncoln loss loss
UyeOok :t:tl vkl
CHS is proud to have Coach Bill This is Orlando YMC A. where the state swim meet
James to take CHS to State. Mark Vanzant. Josh Hallberg . Joson Fisher. Matt
took place. The Tigers made a very good show1ng Hollingsworth. Tony RIChards. and J.L. Loyle qualified for
there. eanng our swim program some respect.
the State competition 1n Orlando. They placed 23rd .
The 1994 Swim Team has
defmitely excelled in swimming
abilities. This year's boys and girls
swim teams have broken more
records in one season than have
ever been broken in the history of
Colwnbia High School swimming.
Sixth place at district competition
was quite a victory for the boys
team. Following district
competition, six boys qualified for
state competition. This sent
Columbia's first ever relay team to
the state fmals. The girls team
fought a hard battle and came
home having placed eighth. Two
girls placed in the top fourteen to Columbia High Sw1m Team. Front Row: Amber Broshor. Kelty Loyle. Donielle Conner. Tonyo Fountain. Row 2·
Alana Manzer. Josh Hallberg. Megan Fuller. Leigh Anne Broiller. April Deland. Row 3: Eric Roberts. Brandi Hester.
return that night for the fmals. Ben Brown. Tony Richards. Conn1e Moore. Row 4: Sora McColskey. Zak Brown. J.L. Loyle. Mark Vanzant. Bock
Row: Joson Fisher. Girls Junior Cop a in Erin G1ebeig. and Boys Senior Captain Matt Hollingsworth.
wimTeam A. 154