Page 255 - chs-1995
P. 255
Pre-Collegiate Club
Front: Latrlce TUman. Dlter Gates, Monica Brady, Shana Ross Second Row: Mr. Merrick. JuJoan Burgess. Fredresso Cook. Lakelsha
Roberson. Atorla Clayton. Chad Owens, Tony Gibbons Bac:k Row: Amanda Parnell. Mlshane Magwod. Tommie Marshall. Daphena
Western. Deepall Patll. Sabra Foreman. Carol TunsU. Amelia Parnell.
Ufe Is all smiles as Junior Monica Brady and Sophomore Deepall PotU know that
college lies In their future.
Pre-Collegiate club
members learn life-
long lessons and plan
for the Mure under the
guidance and
reassurance of Mrs.
Mcintosh. College is a
way to a better
Above: A Florida A&M alumnus herself, the smiling Mrs. Gloria education. Being part
Mcintosh jlrnped at the chance to guide the college bound
of such a worthy club
students of Columbia High. leaves members with
hope for the future.
Right: Sophomore Sabra Foreman says, "I believe that pre-
collegiate club wiD help me prepare for college In the Ml.N'e."
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