Page 258 - chs-1995
P. 258
Student Athletic Trainers
Mr. Leroux dedicates his time to
aspiring physical therapists.
The Student Athletic.
Trainers are
handpicked by Coach
Wolf and Mrs. Holliday.
This elite group of
students is taught skills
in preventing and
treating various injuries.
L. to A.: Shilo Thomas, Jeremy Moore, Shannon Williams, Gerri Houston.
Under the watchful eye
of Jeff Leroux. the
student trainers learn to
tape ankles, wrists,
fingers, and knees.
They also practice the
proper techniques to
rehabilitate an athlete
after an injury. The
countless hours spent
at practices and
games shows the
dedication this club has
for the safety and well-
being of our
Wrist wrapping Is mastered by Shllo Thomas. who treats
hardworking athletes.
Rebecca Carter during yet another rainy game.
The supply bag holds all the tools or the trade tor this
trainer-In-training. Jeremy Moore. Who knew gause
All of CHS' athletes. Including Terry Calloway, Working together. Shllo Thomas and tape and band-aides could be so exciting?
know trainer Jeff Leroux. who treats all injuries. Gerrl Houston bandage wrists.